Monday, September 28, 2009

Are the Blods angry with me?

I'll delete this post once I figure out what's going on but for now, this is the only way I know to get word out to "done gone", the moderator over at the CD Baby Relaunch Debate.

I don't know what's going on but I can't post anywhere except here. I've responded to several posts on the CD Baby Relaunch Debate and initially I thought they were moderated but it seems as though my posts just disappear into cyberspace. Maybe it's divine intervention from the Blog Gods (or Blods as I like to call them) heaven knows there's more than one posting I'd like to have back so perhaps it's for the better.

But then, the other day, I decided to post something on the message board and, try as I might, it just wouldn't stick... and I know that board isn't moderated.

Strange indeed.


IndieDIY said...

Just managed to post a brief comment on CDBaby's board... but only after I stripped out the basic html tags that it says it allows... Strange.

done gone said...

Hi Luc, I've just noticed this post today. I'm not sure why you can't leave a comment over at CD Baby Relaunch Debate because I certainly welcome your input. I hope we can get to the bottom of it.


IndieDIY said...

Somehow I'm able to post now. It's nothing technical from my end... guess that confirms it... I did tick off the Blods!

I'll have to up my rate of hard disc sacrifices to two per month...

done gone said...

Luc, glad to see you were able to post at CDBRD despite "the Blods'" mysterious unhappiness with you.

See you over there again soon, I hope. . .